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The Ultimate Nootropics Guide, download for free more than 100+ nootropics!
5 July 2022 Lore Hoebrekx
CLEAR FOCUS CAFFEINE FREE - nootropics guide

The Ultimate Nootropics Guide, download for free more than 100+ different nootropics!

If you’re interested in getting into bio-hacking and would like to incorporate nootropic cognitive enhancers, we thought it is important to learn the basics of how they work by providing MindScopic’s Ultimate Nootropics Guide. To do this, we provided the basics of different classes and ingredients. Like this, you can learn to better understand how these supplements work. As well as how their working mechanism alters our neurons, neurotransmitters or overall brain functioning.

What can I find in the Nootropics Guide?

It’s important to know where to start as well. First, learning exactly what nootropics are and how they differ from other cognitive enhancers will be helpful. Nootropics were brought to the world in the early 60’s by Romanian pharmacologist Dr Corneliu Giurgea. Dr Giurgea brought the world piracetam, the prototypical racetam and the first true synthetic nootropic and aniracetam. He also formulated the original criterion for what constitutes a nootropic substance. The purpose of nootropics according to Giurgea is quite simple: “The general aim of nootropic research is to find new drugs capable of enhancing directly the efficiency of the cognitive, noetic activity of the brain, thus compensating various neuro-psychologic deficits such as, but not exclusively, those related to aging, memory and focus.”

Next to the Nootropics Guide, what else is important for reaching your maximum potential?

Cognitive enhancement and healthy bio-hacking starts with proper health, good diet, exercise and adequate sleep. There’s no way around that and you can’t expect any supplement or stack to replace that. Also, remember that nootropics are just one tool in the bio-hacker’s toolkit. There are thousands of years worth of mental technologies for improving memory, intelligence and other cognitive faculties. From the Egyptians, Hindus, Buddhist, Romans on into the latest developments in Neuro-Linguistic Programming, there are numerous ways you may improve your health, cognition, motivation. Once you control the basics, it’s interesting to step up your game with the use of nootropics in a safe way and stick with the minimum effective dosing to avoid possible side effects. Therefore, to guide you through the complex world of nootropics, we created MindScopic®’s Ultimate Nootropic Guide.

I don’t feel like reading a whole guide!

If you would like to learn straight away more about MINDSCOPIC® CLEAR FOCUS™ CAFFEINE FREE, our premium nootropic formula, please click here. You will find reviews and more information regarding our formula and science based ingredients.

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